;;; Channels
(list (channel
       (name 'guix)
       (url "https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git")
       (branch "master")
          "BBB0 2DDF 2CEA F6A8 0D1D  E643 A2A0 6DF2 A33A 54FA"))))
      ;; For rstudio service
       (name 'guix-science)
       (url "https://github.com/guix-science/guix-science.git")
       (branch "master")
          "CA4F 8CF4 37D7 478F DA05  5FD4 4213 7701 1A37 8446")))))

;;; OS declaration ;; This container system is configured to use the host system's ;; sssd via PAM. It uses the sssd client libraries to talk to the ;; host system for user authentication. For this to work ;; /var/lib/sss/pipes must be made available to the container. (use-modules (gnu) (gnu system pam) (ice-9 match) (srfi srfi-1) (guix packages) (guix profiles)) (use-service-modules networking shepherd sysctl) (use-package-modules bash statistics linux sssd) (use-modules (guix-science services rstudio)) (define (manifest->packages manifest) "Return the list of packages in MANIFEST." (delete-duplicates (filter-map (lambda (entry) (let ((item (manifest-entry-item entry))) (if (package? item) item #f))) (manifest-entries manifest)))) (define bash (specification->package "bash")) (define %packages (specifications->manifest (list "rstudio-server-multi-version" "r-minimal" "r-guix-install" ;; Certs and locales "glibc-locales" "nss-certs" ;; Common command line tools lest the container is too empty. "bash" "coreutils" "which" "wget" "sed" ;; R markdown tools "pandoc" ;; Toolchain and common libraries for "install.packages" "gcc-toolchain@10" "gfortran-toolchain" "gawk" "tar" "gzip" "unzip" "make" "cmake" "pkg-config" "cairo" "libxt" "libxml2" "openssl" "curl" "zlib"))) (operating-system (host-name "rstudio.mdc-berlin.net") (timezone "Europe/Berlin") (locale "en_US.utf8") (bootloader (bootloader-configuration (bootloader grub-bootloader) (targets '("/dev/sdX")))) (file-systems (cons (file-system (device (file-system-label "my-root")) (mount-point "/") (type "ext4")) %base-file-systems)) (packages (append (manifest->packages %packages) %base-packages)) (services (list (simple-service 'link-/etc/ssl activation-service-type #~(let ((source "/run/current-system/profile/etc/ssl") (target "/etc/ssl")) (when (and (file-exists? target) (not (file-exists? target))) (symlink source target)))) ;; Needed for things like "id". (simple-service 'sss-everywhere session-environment-service-type `(("LD_LIBRARY_PATH" . ,(file-append sssd "/lib")))) (service rstudio-server-service-type (rstudio-server-configuration (www-address "") (www-port "9888") (auth-none? #false) ;; Without this "rserver" does not see any external users. (environment #~((string-append "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" #$sssd "/lib"))) ;; Require the use of the host system's sssd via the shared ;; sockets. (pam (pam-entry (control "required") (module (file-append sssd "/lib/security/pam_sss.so")))))) (service special-files-service-type `(("/bin/bash" ,(file-append bash "/bin/bash")) ("/bin/sh" ,(file-append bash "/bin/sh")) ;; Convenient for pre-compiled binaries, e.g. those downloaded ;; by r-tinytex. ("/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" ,(file-append glibc "/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2")))) (service login-service-type) (syslog-service) (service static-networking-service-type (list %loopback-static-networking)) ;; Use host system's sssd by extending the nscd environment. (service nscd-service-type (nscd-configuration (name-services (list sssd)))) (service udev-service-type) (service sysctl-service-type))) (name-service-switch (let ((sources (list (name-service (name "files")) (name-service (name "sss"))))) (name-service-switch (inherit %default-nss) (password sources) (shadow sources) (group sources) (netgroup sources) (gshadow sources)))))
;;; How we use it #| LAUNCH=$(guix time-machine --channels=channels.scm -- system container --network os.scm) $LAUNCH --share=/var/lib/sss/pipes \ --share=/data/akalin \ --share=/home \ --share=/local \ --share=/fast \ --expose=/gnu/store \ --expose=/var/guix/profiles & |#

Generated by Ricardo Wurmus using scpaste at Fri Dec 2 00:32:53 2022. CET. (original)