* STG-to-C glue.
 * To run an STG function from C land, call
 *      rv = StgRun(f,BaseReg);
 * where "f" is the STG function to call, and BaseReg is the address of the
 * RegTable for this run (we might have separate RegTables if we're running
 * multiple threads on an SMP machine).
 * In the end, "f" must JMP to StgReturn (defined below),
 * passing the return-value "rv" in R1,
 * to return to the caller of StgRun returning "rv" in
 * the whatever way C returns a value.
 * NOTE: StgRun/StgReturn do *NOT* load or store Hp or any
 * other registers (other than saving the C callee-saves 
 * registers).  Instead, the called function "f" must do that
 * in STG land.
 * GCC will have assumed that pushing/popping of C-stack frames is
 * going on when it generated its code, and used stack space
 * accordingly.  However, we actually {\em post-process away} all
 * such stack-framery (see \tr{ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl}). Things will
 * be OK however, if we initially make sure there are
 * @RESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES@ on the C-stack to begin with, for local
 * variables.  

Generated by Ricardo Wurmus using scpaste at Fri Oct 21 15:51:37 2022. CEST. (original)