time guix package -m manifest-test.scm -p /tmp/foo
guix package: warning: Consider running 'guix pull' followed by
'guix package -u' to get up-to-date packages and security updates.

The following packages will be installed:
   bash                   5.0.16
   bash-minimal           5.0.16
   coreutils              8.32
   fastqc                 0.11.5
   guile                  3.0.5
   guile-dsv              0.4.0
   guile-libyaml          0-1.f5d33a6
   guix                   1.2.0-20.2d73086
   gzip                   1.10
   htseq                  0.9.1
   multiqc                1.5
   r-corrplot             0.84
   r-crosstalk            1.1.1
   r-data-table           1.14.0
   r-deseq2               1.30.1
   r-dt                   0.17
   r-genomicalignments    1.26.0
   r-genomicranges        1.42.0
   r-ggplot2              3.3.3
   r-ggrepel              0.9.1
   r-gprofiler            0.7.0
   r-knitr                1.31
   r-minimal              4.0.4
   r-pheatmap             1.0.12
   r-plotly               4.9.3
   r-reshape2             1.4.4
   r-rmarkdown            2.7
   r-rsamtools            2.6.0
   r-rtracklayer          1.50.0
   r-s4vectors            0.28.1
   r-scales               1.1.1
   r-summarizedexperiment 1.20.0
   r-tximport             1.18.0
   salmon                 0.13.1
   samtools               1.11
   sed                    4.8
   star                   2.7.8a
   trim-galore            0.6.6

nothing to be done
Store object cache:
  fresh caches:     2
  lookups:      29934
  hits:         29095 (97.2%)
  cache size:     838 entries

'add-data-to-store' cache:
  lookups:        887
  hits:            52 (5.9%)
  .drv files:     550 (62.0%)
  Scheme files:   331 (37.3%)
Remote procedure call summary: 1011 RPCs
  built-in-builders              ...     1
  add-to-store/tree              ...    11
  query-references               ...    51
  add-to-store                   ...   113
  add-text-to-store              ...   835

real	0m21.208s
user	0m4.609s
sys	0m0.446s

Generated by Ricardo Wurmus using scpaste at Sat Apr 24 16:36:09 2021. CEST. (original)